Five initial sources for the overall Data-150 project. Sources explore the influence of data on road networks, and how less traffic congestion fits in the global climate change effort.

  • Verma S, Mehra M. 2020. Climate Change Impacts of Economic Growth: A Theoretical and Panel Data Analysis. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses. 12, 1 (2020).

    The authors present an analysis of growth which combines previous work focusing on either the human sector or physical capital. They define a relationship between human capital, physical capital, and the effects of climate change, and conclude can simultaneously develop human capital, physical capital, and combat the effects of climate change. However, the relation is complex and unique to each country. Human capital mirrors Amartya Sen’s definition of human development, for investing in human capital is defined as increasing the collective knowledge of the workforce to improve labor efficiency. The increase requires a society full of Sen’s freedoms. Ultimately, this expands upon Sen’s work challenging the notion that investment into climate change responses hampers economic growth. A healthier environment leads to healthier workers. Crucially, developing countries are far more likely to be negatively affected by climate change and are currently undergoing a transition which increases global emissions. Investment into developing humans in critical to prevent a sharp decrease in global freedoms. To arrive at this conclusion a variety of data from sixty-two countries, half of which are developing. While the analysis dose not directly contain geospatial data, it would be used to create the value of coefficients. For example, UR (urbanization) is derived from The United Nations Population Division’s work. This article supports the both the idea that developing countries will play a critical role in a global climate change response and encourages investment by demonstrating the potential for simultaneous gains in human capital, physical capital, and environmental protections.

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  • Manibog Y. 2017. The Challenge of Investing in Emerging Markets Clean Energy: Barriers to Structuring Viable Projects. Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review. 8, 1 (May 2017).

  • 2019 Urban Mobility Report by Texas A&M Transport Institute. Source

  • Jain V, Sharma A, Subramanian L. 2012. Road Traffic Congestion in the Developing World. DEV’ 12; March 11-12; Atlanta, GA. Association for Computing Machinery. (2012).

  • Babu S, Manoj B. 2020. Toward a Type-based Analysis of Road Networks. ACM Trans. Spatial Algorithms Syst. 6, 4, Article 28 (August 2020), 45 pages.

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